Mutual Groove is a rock-fueled alt-funk machine that jiggles your speakers from Nashville, TN. With songs that are armed with grooves so saucy it's like Grandma's homemade soup for your ears, it'll feel like you've got Grandma's homemade soup in your ears, they make stationary listening impossible. Turn them up loud, and you may bob your head off your neck, or tap your toes through your shoes. Whether you prefer singing along or riding the energy of pure grooves, Mutual Groove is something for everybody.

- Pat, David, Sam & Ryan


Squarespace only allows Mp3 files for download. If you have a need for other files, we have instrumentals, stems and hi-res versions of all songs. Please reach out to for more info. Please do not distribute this link or these downloads. Thank you! ✌️

Press Photos

Live Funk / Rock / Groove Band @ Exit/In

2022 Live @ Exit/In

Photo by Chris Parker

Photo by The Genremut


There are 4 logos total. The first two are transparent BLACK (which you can see) and directly below each of them is transparent WHITE (Which you cannot see). Just click on the area below each of the black images and the transparent WHITE images will pop up!

Social Links